

NC Irrigation Contractors'
Licensing Board


Continuing Education

Licensee Search

September 15, 2023

NCICLB Beginning to Schedule the New Exam

ANNOUNCEMENT: The NCICLB has finished the new licensing exam, and has solidified the 2025 scheduled. Please see the Calendar page for dates, and make sure to visit the exam page for important information.

For questions, please email or call Board Administrator Margaret Geiger at:

Mail: Margaret Geiger
Irrigation Contractors’ Licensing Board
P.O. Box 41421, Raleigh, NC 27629-1421

Phone: (919) 872-2229
Fax: (919) 872-1598
Email: info@nciclb.org


About Us

The North Carolina Irrigation Contractors’ Licensing Board was established by legislation January 1, 2009. The Board oversees the licensing of Irrigation Contractors in North Carolina. The purpose of licensure is to protect the public health, safety and welfare, and to promote the efficient use of water. The new licensure law became effective on June 30, 2009.


North Carolina Irrigation Contractors’ Licensing
Board Code of Professional Conduct:
N.C. Irrigation Contractors, in the fulfillment of their duties, shall agree:
• To act with honesty, integrity, and fairness towards clients and the general public.
• To respect and be courteous to colleagues and other professionals in the industry.
• To avoid all conduct or practice that deceives the public.
• To perform services only in the areas of their competence.
• To follow Minimum Standards in irrigation design, installation, and service and to promote Best Management
Practices adopted by the NCICLB.
• To be environmentally responsible with design, installation, and service.
• To protect the environment and the safety, health, welfare of the public.
• To adhere to local, state, and federal laws that applies to the irrigation industry.
• To promote water conservation practices on a continual basis.
• To maintain professional competence through annual continuing education and professional development

Board Members


W. Charles Nieman

Grounds Pros OBX
7278 Caratoke Highway
Jarvisburg, NC 27947
Phone: (252) 564-3100

Vice Chair

Kurt H. Bland

Bland Landscaping Co., Inc
1200 Perry Rd
Apex, NC 27502
Phone: (919) 387-0010


Daniel Christopher Baker

Sanford Turf and Irrigation, Inc.
3280 Cox Mill Road
Sanford, NC 27332
Phone: (919) 258-6675
Fax: (919) 258-0236


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