CE Provider Information and Requirements

To provide consistency for our licensees and among the many continuing education providers, following is important information and Board requirements:

The first step to becoming a CE Provider for the NC Irrigation Contractors’ Licensing Board is to contact the Board’s Administrator to have an account created. To access your account, you will be given a user name and password. The Board Administrator is available to guide you through the process if needed.

The Continuing Education Advisory Committee (CEAC) meets every last Wednesday of the month. In November and December they may meet the second or third Wednesday, depending upon the holidays. Once the CEAC has reviewed the continuing education applications, the CE Provider will receive an email notification as to whether the course has been approved, deferred, or denied, as well as comments to explain the decision, if necessary. A very important part of the application process is to provide an outline, brochure, agenda, or some other document that clearly describes what will be taught, the start and end time of each session, and the start and end time for breaks and meals, if applicable.

As a continuing education provider, you must attest that you will maintain attendance records for each of the course(s) taught for two years after the date of the course. It is also your responsibility to provide each attendee with a proof of attendance form, provided by NCICLB. All attendance sheets must be signed by the licensee at the time of check out if it is an in person class. Anyone leaving a class early should not receive a proof of attendance.

Licensees are required to earn ten (10) continuing education credits each year by December 31. Six (6) credits must be education with direct relation to the performance of irrigation, and four (4) credits must be related to general business practices. This can include accounting, finance, business planning, human resources, the use of computers, etc.

50 minutes of education equals 1 hour of credit.
Breaks during courses shall not be counted towards CEU credit.
Credit shall not be given to the licensee for courses repeated within a consecutive three year period.
If providing an online or virtual class, there must be a provision for making sure everyone that signs into the class remains in attendance throughout the entire session. Depending upon how many individuals and how long the session lasts, you should include a short quiz in the middle and the end of the course, or take attendance before the session ends.
It is extremely important that if you are providing more than one online/virtual event at the same time that a licensee can not sign in to both/more than one at a time.
No education should include the sales or promotion of a particular product.