
ANNOUNCEMENT: The NCICLB has finished the new licensing exam, and will be scheduling dates over the next few weeks. The first exam will be administered on November 1, 2024. Applicants and those on the interest form will receive information as it becomes available. See below for most recent updates.

Application Information

The NCICLB has some great news: the new exam is in its final stages of creation, and we have lots of new info to share! I am reaching out to give you the most recent information about the exam that the Board has approved so far. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

The NCICLB exam will be focused on (4) key areas: Water Efficiency/Conservation, Irrigation Contracting, Irrigation Construction and Basic Business Skills.

The exam will be divided into three (3) sections

  1. Water Efficiency/Conservation
  2. Irrigation Contracting/Irrigation Construction
  3. Basic Business Skills – This includes calculating basic business computations (ie: calculating Profit Margins, estimating, calculating job costs, calculating labor and/or material costs and areas that would assist in a licensed irrigation contractor to be profitable)

Each section will be scored separately. Once a section is passed, it does not need to be retaken. All 3 sections must be passed in order to be eligible for licensure.


–      Open Book – candidates may use books/references during the exam (electronic devices will NOT be allowed)

–      Exam will be given on paper (pen/paper)

–      Questions will be a mix of multiple choice and multiple answer

Number of Questions: 150

Time Limit: 4 Hours

Passing Scores:                                             

Water Efficiency/Conservation: 75%

Irrigation Contracting/Irrigation Construction: 70%

Basic Business Skills: 70%

Retests of individually failed sections: Yes

Exam Fees (subject to change/reviewed annually): $340 first exam / $240 for any subsequent try, or retake of any section(s)

Frequency of exam: Candidates may take the NCICLB exam a maximum of four (4) times per calendar year. There is no set required wait time between tries – a candidate who does not pass, and would like to retake the exam, may do so at the next available session.

Guidelines: The publicly available/open-source information will be combined into a PDF or similar format and emailed to candidates. 

NOTE: All recommended reference materials are just that, recommended materials – there are many resources that can be useful; those materials that are not specifically recommended are the candidate’s responsibility to locate and use to educate themselves.

Recommended Study Materials: 
North Carolina General Statute §89G
NCAC Chapter 23
Rainbird Landscape Irrigation Design Manual
Rainbird Low-Volume Landscape Irrigation Design Manual
Toro Basic Irrigation Design Manual
Hunter Handbook of Technical Information
Hunter Residential Design Guide
NC Dept of Rev – Contractor Sales Tax Rules 4-18-18 Pg 17 Table
Exerpts from Contractors – Low Voltage Exceptions NC Title 2 Chapt 18 Elect
Thrust Blocking Excerpt v24.10.1
Article 8A Underground Utility Safety and Damage Prevention Act
Pathway to Profits Excerpt v24.6.4
NCICLB Exam Formula Sheet

Additional Recommended Reference Books to Purchase: Any irrigation, basic business skills or math education books/resources, manufacturer’s guidelines for installation and service, or any other source the candidate believes may be advantageous to their test taking endeavor. Reference books can be bought from multiple different sources. Administration recommends doing your own research in finding books for the best price. *Used copies of most reference books can be found through online searches and many popular e-commerce sites, sometimes for better prices.*

Along with NC §89G (statutes), and Chapter 23 (rules), we will compile a list of all relevant resources. Full resource lists/files will be supplied to all candidates once complete.

More information will be shared as it becomes available. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Board Administration.

Since 2009, the NCICLB has used the Certified Irrigation Contractor (CIC) exam prepared by the Irrigation Association (IA) as the licensing exam. After May 17, 2023, the CIC will no longer be administered by the NCICLB. However, individuals will still have the ability to take the CIC through the IA, and apply for licensure with the NCICLB by “previous CIC”.

Individuals who wish to become licensed prior to the new exam being available are encouraged to take the CIC exam through the IA in order to apply for an NC irrigation contractor license by previous CIC. Please note: solely passing the CIC exam does NOT grant licensure. After passing, you must complete the application process through the NCICLB before receiving a license.


Passing the Exam: Upon successful completion of the exam and prior to being licensed, the candidate must:

  • Obtain a Surety Bond in the amount of $10,000 or an irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of $10,000 from a bank.  The original Surety Bond MUST be submitted to the Board.
  • Order a seal (the Board will provide the order form).
  • If applicable submit a corporate application to the Board along with a $100 application fee.

Continuing Education: Yearly continuing education is required for license renewal. During the calendar year that the candidate passes the NCICLB examination, the successful candidate will be considered to have met the Continuing Education (CE) requirement for that calendar year.

If the candidate does not fit into the criteria above, the individual is required to obtain ten (10) credits of continuing education before being eligible for their first renewal. The ten (10) credits are comprised of four (4) business credits and six (6) irrigation credits. All Board approved continuing education courses are listed on the Board website under the continuing education tab.